
     In the images above, I show my process in making Paradise Lost. For my game, I wanted to make a game that has an emphasis on loneliness. At first I wanted to make a game focused on intrigue and sadness, but as time went on, that idea has shown to be both a bit too complex and not as interesting to me. As much as I'd love to make a game like that later down the line, right now, I liked the emotional feel and the desolate atmosphere my game gave off every time I play tested it.

     When making the game,  I started off with the landscape of the overworld; specifically the craters. After that, I went hunting for 3D models that would fit my idea. Once I got some, I started off with making the starting area, the bunker. After that, I improved that area more and more as well as thought of the lore and implemented hints of it on the computer screens. Once I had all of that over with, I went back to the model search to find more things I'd like to use now that my idea is more set in stone. And with those models, I shaped the surface to be the way it is now.  After all of that, I had my play-testers play the game and leave feedback, and then here we are right now as I type this page. Meta.


Paradise 208 MB
Feb 21, 2023

Get Paradise Lost

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